
Wednesday, 13 June 2012

At 24 am I a career has been?

At 24, am I a career has been? Do you have to know what you want to do from birth? Look at some of the greats; they all tell us that they've known what they wanted to do from such a young age that doing anything else would seem absurd to them. Many of the great musicians have footage of themselves learning musical instruments from a young age and all of the gymnasts you see in the Olympics have been practicing since the age of four. So what happens to the rest of us? The ones who meander through life not really knowing what we want to do, unable to develop a passion for something before we are old enough to walk and talk. Indeed, at 24 I still work for a well-known cinema chain, unsure of the path my life is taking, and I know many of you out there are probably feeling the same way.

I went to university, I have a degree and I'm an educated person with the ability to hold a decent conversation, so why do I feel like all options have expired for me. At 24 I should be at my peak and getting out there, so why aren't I? And why do I feel that because I haven't made it yet doesn't mean that I won't? I'm forever searching for my dream, and I feel everyone else should be, and not trying to fit into a social convention of what people think they should be and how the should act. If you knew me you would realise that this is exactly what I have been doing my whole life. I have been going through the motions without really putting my heart and soul into what I've been doing. So it's time I stopped. With the help of my aunt, I'm going to start a blog. I'm going to put what I feel in without becoming to much like perez Hilton and basically gossiping. Hopefully people will follow me and through this I’ll build up contacts. Also all of this I wrote on my iPhone on the way to the gym, but you have to take inspiration when it hits I guess.


  1. An interesting post, and I get what you mean. Your stuck in a rut and wondering if this is pretty much it for you. Short answer is no, but it sounds like you are at that stage to kick yourself in the backside and make moves.

    Those athletes and musicians you talk about, don't be jealous of them, pity them. Their lives and interests peaked at age 18-26, they can do no better than that. Now comes fifty to sixty years of decline and frustration as they try to do something with their lives.

    Sixty years of downward spiral, whilst you have sixty years to get good at something and maintain that peak. All you have to do is find something that interests you and go after it tooth and nail. You ask what you have been doing with your life, the answer is 'Gaining experience on how the world works' same as the rest of us.

    Now is the time to put that experience to use.

    1. You are indeed right! I was reading a through a few posts on your blog an I was a little bit captivated by your life
